Welcome to python_spectrometer’s documentation!#


This package implements data acquisition, processing, and visualization for estimating power spectral densities using Welch’s method. It provides the Spectrometer class that serves as a central interface which acquires and manges the data. Several processing steps can be applied to the raw timeseries data, for instance to convert from a voltage signal to an acceleration given a known calibration from a signal conditioning unit.

To demonstrate the basic features, here is some example code using the Keysight DMM qcodes driver for data acquisition:

from python_spectrometer import Spectrometer, daq
from qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.Keysight_34465A_submodules import Keysight_34465A
dmm = Keysight_34465A('dmm', 'some_tcpip_address')

# Pre-defined functions that set up and execute a measurement using a DMM
spect = Spectrometer(daq.qcodes.Keysight344xxA(dmm),
                     procfn=lambda V: V*1000,
settings = {'f_min': 0.1, 'f_max': 1000, 'phase_of_the': 'moon'}  # any other settings or metadata
spect.take('a comment', n_avg=5, **settings)
spect.show('a comment')  # same as spect.show(0)
# Save and recall functionality
spect_loaded = Spectrometer.recall_from_disk('./foo')  # read-only because no DAQ given
# (0, 'a comment')

You can also play around with simulated noise (requires qopt):

from python_spectrometer import Spectrometer, daq
spect = Spectrometer(daq.simulator.QoptColoredNoise(lambda f, A, **_: A/f))
spect.take('foobar', n_avg=10, n_seg=5, A=42)

If you just want to use it you can install the latest “released” version via

python -m pip install python-spectrometer[complete]

However, this package profits from everybody’s work and the releases are infrequent. Please make a development install and contribute your changes. You can do this via

python -m pip install -e git+https://git.rwth-aachen.de/qutech/python-spectrometer.git#egg=python-spectrometer[complete]

This will download the source code (i.e. clone the git repository) into a subdirectory of the ./src argument and link the files into your environment instead of copying them. If you are on Windows you can use SourceTree which is a nice GUI for git. You can specify the source code directory with the --src argument (which needs to be BEFORE -e):

python -m pip install --src some_directory/my_python_source -e git+https://git.rwth-aachen.de/qutech/python-spectrometer.git#egg=python-spectrometer[complete]

If you have already downloaded/cloned the package yourself you can use python -m pip install -e .[complete].

Please file an issue if any of these instructions does not work.


There are some basic tests in tests/ as well as a couple of doctests.

You can run the tests either via

python -m pytest --doctest-modules

or to check if everything works for a clean install (requires hatch to be installed)

python -m hatch run tests:run


The auto-generated documentation can be found at the Gitlab Pages.

To build the documentation locally, navigate to doc/ and run

make html


sphinx-build -b html source build

Make sure the dependencies are installed via

python -m pip install -e .[doc]

in the top-level directory.

To check if everything works for a clean install (requires hatch to be installed), run

python -m hatch run doc:build

python_spectrometer API Documentation#


This module provides the Spectrometer class for spectrum estimation using general-purpose acquisition hardware.

Indices and tables#